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Crime and Schools Maps

This map is an overview of a select number of high schools in Washington State. I used density points to illustrate the school enrollment and the size of the high schools. The greater the size of the point the greater the number of enrollment in the school. The map gives the reader the ability to quickly compare the various school sizes across Washington State.

School enrollment data downloaded from ArcGIS online provided by Cathy Walker.

This map illustrates drug crimes near District 81 school boundaries in Spokane. I used five buffers at different distances and figured out how many drug crimes were located within each buffer at each distance. This map shows my ability to use buffers and the intersect tools to determine the total number of crimes that were within each buffer. It also shows my ability to insert tables within ArcMap.

Crime data and school data downloaded from Spokane County GIS.

This map illustrates the crime density in each elementary school boundary in Spokane. This map shows my ability to determine how many crimes occur within a specific boundary and then compare it to other boundaries using crime counts and densities by square mile.

Crime data and school data downloaded from Spokane County GIS.

© 2018 by Shelby Dietrich. Proudly created with

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