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Environmental Maps

This map illustrates hospitals that fall in seismic hazard zones in the Seattle, WA area. It shows my ability to use buffers and the use of intersect tools to determine which hospitals are in the hazard zone and within a mile or two of the fault line.

Earthquake data downloaded from USGS and Seattle data downloaded from the City of Seattle, with an ESRI basemap.

This map shows the burn area and the evacuation zones of the Carleton Complex fire that occurred in North Central Washington. It also highlights the ideal water retrieval areas to aid in fire relief. It illustrates my ability to line up an image on ArcMap and my ability to create points, lines, and shapes based off of that external image. I also added a locator map to show where in the state the fire was located.

Data digitized from Okanogan County Sheriff's map with an ESRI basemap.

This map is of Medical Lake, WA from the 1940s. It shows my ability to line up a picture in ArcMap and my ability to create points, lines, and shapes based off of that picture.

Data digitized from an 1940 USGS topographic map using both ArcGIS 10 and Workstation ArcInfo.

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